The future they wanted
To build the biggest cybersecurity powerhouse in Latin America, bringing together the cultures of two major players in the sector and the region
The future we delivered
We launched one of the largest cybersecurity companies in Latin America internally and externally through the “Re-Meet the New” campaign.
articles published in key medis outlets and an ad-value of more than USD 600k in just over 30 days
of publications had a positive tone and reinforced SEK's narrative
engagement rate on CEO's profile on LinkedIn with 52k impressions in 30 days
How we did it
First we developed an integrated strategy, involving Employee Experience, Media Relations and Social Media.
Next, we hae implememnted the campaign “Re-Meet the New”. As a spokesperson for the new brand narratives, we created an avatar with Artificial Intelligence – and we called her Smart – that disseminated the company’s news and new cultural perspectives for employees.
Finally, we also worked on the executive visibility of SEK’s CEO, by promoting exclusive content on his LinkedIn profile, in addition to actions with the Tier 1 press.